Thursday, March 11, 2010

Corsi Estivi Moda - Fashion Design

Corsi Estivi Moda

Milan Fashion Campus

Un'estate unica, dove la passione della Moda, si incontra a Milano in un contesto cosmopolita. Un programma intensivo, per studenti che vogliono migliorare ho dare inizio ad una carriera in continuo mutamento, come lo è il mondo della Moda.
Missione ! L’obbiettivo e quello di preparare lo studente ad una realtà professionale come quello del campo della moda, non solo sviluppando la creatività individuale.

Ma ben si acquisire in una maniera conscia, le necessità del Industria della Moda!Evitando di sprecare tempo senza la dovuta conoscenza / esperienza, che in questi casi si necessitano.

Si possono scegliere i seguenti Livelli
primary: per chi parte da zero e non ha nessuna esperienza
superior: per chi ha che vuole arricchire le proprie conoscenze

Compito Finale – Analisi Lavoro compito finale ( Viene rilasciato un attestato di Frequenza )

The Italian Abroad Summer Fashion Design School

A unique summer study abroad experience, where young people meet the passion of fashion design.One month intensive program, for students who want improve their skill, or just start to discover the world of fashion in Milano

The correctly drawing skill is fundamental for every fashion designer.
Technique of drawing is surely the winning weapon for every designer.
We will prepare the program to acquire in shortest time this skill.
But you need more if you want to really enter the fashion business world.

Many students, after having studied in a fashion school, are not enough prepared to enter the working world. One of the principal reasons is that lacking of the knowledge of working experience.

The objective of this summer fashion school is to prepare the student to a professional reality of the fashion world, not only developing the individual creativity, but also to acquire the necessities of the Fashion Industry.
We organize the programs with experienced fashion designers who take an active part in real fashion business world.
This course is particularly structured as real work experience, not only theoretical study.

“Fashion companies don’t have time to invest on young designers!
They need young Professional creators, who are ready to work!”